A Walk Down Crazy Street

Photo credit: Crazy Sheila

Just how mad was Alice, anyway? And was she mad in the sense of “I’m mad as hell and not going to take it anymore”? Or in the mental health sense of the word? And would I be proud, annoyed, or indifferent if the council changed my street name to Crazy Sheila Street?

I’ve had nearly a month since the Psychiatric Powers That Be (P2TB) revoked my sectioning. To be honest, it’s been a pretty good run. I’ve done some writing, some housework, some cooking, even some socialising with the Beloved, and the lovely young woman who is in a “support bubble” with us.

Feeling a tad of melancholy yesterday, and today. Why? Well, partly because I still have my American tax return to do. That tax return is one of my mental health triggers, and the reason I considered jacking in my American citizenship. But, hell, although both my parents are dead, and the flights are extremely expensive, the USA was my home, and still is home to many people I love.

Art by the fabulous Tom Brow

The above was the initial cover for “A Yorkshireman in Ohio”, the sequel to my short story collection,”Koi Carpe Diem”. “Yorkshireman” is now known as “When Stoats Go Wrong!”, and has a beautiful new cover. Am I going to leave the original cover to occasional use on this blog, or my Facebook page? Am I hell. Sooner or later, I’ll fulfill my intentions to use the image on a sweatshirt. And, of course, if “Stoats” ever gets finished, it will be the illustration for the story “Yorkshireman in Ohio”.

I’ve had a bit of fun recently on Twitter, asking if there were a bipolar flag, would it be half black, with tears; and half white, with the word “ooops!” on it? This got a few likes, plus the question, “What about mixed episodes?” This is a good question, and prompted me to ask myself, “What about the times when we’re all right?” Would the purely black and white version harm the campaign against mental health problems’ stereotypes, and stigma?

It’s tempting to fill this blog with pictures, rather than write some more. I want to continue writing, though. Lately I’ve been a bit lax about writing the latest Work in Progress (WIP), an urban fantasy titled “An Harm it None”. I’m up to nearly 7.5k words, which would mean I was finished or nearly so if “An Harm” were one of my long short stories. I’ve also been writing around one poem a week, and seriously considering submitting some to a new poetry mag, “Northern Gravy”.

Leaving writing behind, and going back to mental health, I’ve been thinking about running and/or helping out at a “Time to Change” stall at Doncaster Pride, assuming that Donny Pride goes ahead this year. I do hope it does, it’s a great event.

After a bit of research, it turns out that the anti-stigma movement “Time to Change” closed back in March this year. This is a shame, as I helped out on a number of their stalls several years ago, and they were generally good fun. Doncaster Pride, however, looks to be taking place on 7 August, in a local park.

I’m going to go back to bed for a little while, then get up and get on with my day. Wherever you are on the mental health scale, I wish you a blessed Sunday, and a good week.

A clay snail I made on the ward many years ago, and gave to a friend.

About Sheila N

Enough about me. Art by Tom Brown.
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1 Response to A Walk Down Crazy Street

  1. Evy Brosch-Goodwin says:

    I like the pastel colors on your snail… quite clever actually. This world is full of evil weeds growing all around us. Only in the last days will the angels separate the weeds from the flowers. Hang in there and we will triumph in the end.

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